We recently reported on Smith Haut Lafitte’s efforts to cut their carbon footprint by sailing their wines to Canada rather than loading them onto shipping containers and motoring them across the ocean. In keeping with this focus on the environment, today I wanted to link up a fascinating discussion that was posted this past spring on GrapeRadio.com on sustainability in grape growing.
“In wine growing,” Grape Radio reports, “the word ‘sustainability’ gets bandied about frequently. So, what’s it really mean? Obviously, sustainability is the ability to continue on…to endure. So, with wine growing the term will usually mean that the grower uses farming methods that are least likely to harm the environment in general, and the farm in particular, so that it may ‘live long and prosper.’ But, philosophically, it actually goes well beyond that basic premise.”
That philosophy, as well as the details of environment-friendly winemaking, are discussed in this eye-opening interview with Jon Ruel, Trefethen Vineyards’ Director of Viticulture and Winemaking.
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