For your weekend reading, we have three articles that encompass literally the entire world of wine.
First, check out Decanter.com’s assessment of the 2009 red Burgundies. They’re head over heels in love with them, saying that, though “there's some variability...most 2009 reds are rich, expressive, aromatic and vibrant...They're lovely now yet have great aging potential too.” Click here for the full report.
Then we have a fascinating piece in the Financial Times by Jancis Robinson, in which she profiles a young sommelier whose travels around the world neatly reflect the increasingly international nature of wine consumption. Great reading; click here.
Finally, a piece in the Wall Street Journal about dessert wines, which still remains one of the most misunderstood categories around. It’s a handy little primer on when to order them, what to pair them with, and a nice overall guide to the options.
All of these articles, of course, will pair best with a nice glass of wine. As always.
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