I’ll be posting my Thanksgiving wine advice tomorrow, but today I wanted to focus on some end-of-the-year housekeeping. Because this week traditionally signals the beginning of the end of the year (that extended stretch between Thanksgiving and New Years often seems like one really long week, one really long meal), thoughts naturally turn to the past, and what we’ve accomplished (or, in this case, had to drink) in 2009.
Back in January, The Wall Street Journal’s Dorothy Gaiter and John Brecher wrote a column called “For 2009, a To-Do List for Wine.” In it, they offer 20 achievable goals that will make your wine life better or, at the very least, more interesting. Some of my favorite items include trying a wine from a different country, opening a sparkler at home for no reason other than that you want it, attending a restaurant wine dinner, and trying wines that you haven’t loved all that much in the past.
This is the time of year to take stock of what you’ve done to improve your wine life in the eleven months that have passed since ’08 rolled over into ’09. (The Journal recently posted letters and emails from readers highlighting what they have done since the original column was published--it’s good inspiration.) Which is all to say this: Despite the advice you’ll inevitably get during the holidays (including here, starting tomorrow), it’s always a good idea to make some changes yourself. Break free from wine orthodoxy this holiday season, and get a head-start on setting yourself up for an interesting, tasty 2010. Experiment with wines and pairings. Explore the wine world. And, most of all, have fun every time you pop the cork of a bottle. After all, that’s (hopefully) why you’re opening it up in the first place.
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